PtX Hub in Algeria
Leveraging existing infrastructure and vantage points to build up PtX potential
Under the Paris Agreement, Algeria aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 7% by 2030. This could increase to 22% with international support. While renewable energy sources make up less than 1% of the Algeria’s energy production today, its vast geography and availability of open land provide favorable conditions for the expansion of renewable capacities. Recognising this potential, Algeria set itself the objective to raise its solar capacity from 0.4 GW in 2021 to 16 GW by 2035.
As part of its decarbonisation efforts, Algeria also included the production of fossil-free green hydrogen as a priority in its governmental program announced in September 2021. Today, as an important oil and gas exporter, its existing hydrocarbons infrastructure offer an interesting basis to build up its PtX potential. Algeria’s proximity and established network of gas pipelines to Europe, as well as transport capacities for liquefied gas, feed into strategic considerations for future export. The country’s existing production and consumption of fossil-fuel based grey hydrogen for industrial use also offer perspectives for domestic uptake of the green alternative.
In this context, a national hydrogen strategy has been in development since late 2021.

The PtX Hub’s work in Algeria at a glance
Policy advisory on sustainability, standards, and certification
- Organising conferences, webinars, and workshops on EU sustainability criteria for green hydrogen imports including safety standards in the production, transport and storage of green hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol
- Advising on the development of PtX regulatory roadmap
Strengthen knowledge on PtX of key stakeholders
- Conducting the basic PtX.Training
- Facilitating study and delegation visits to Germany
Scoping study of PtX potential in Algeria by German-Algerian Energy Partnership: