July 16, 2024 at 15:00 - July 16, 2024 at 16:30

Introduction to fuel technology, policies, and markets for Sustainable Aviation Fuels

Air traffic is expected to grow by 4% per year over the next 20 years. To reconcile this growth with the sector’s net-zero goal by 2050, airlines and airports will need to switch to sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). Producing SAF with renewable electricity is particularly promising. But e-SAF can only unfold its benefits if sound policy and market conditions are in place. More and more emerging economies are ready to enter this new market and seize the opportunities for local development.

A new publication by the International PtX Hub and Agora Verkehrwende provides an introductory overview on the subject of e-SAF for aviation, from fuel properties and production pathways to questions of costs, future availability and policy instruments at national and international level.

Both the content of the paper as well as the country cases of Kenya and Brazil, countries with strong ambitions to ramp up the production of SAF, will be presented and discussed in the launch webinar.


Opening and Moderation
Frank Mischler, Director International PtX Hub
Wiebke Zimmer, Deputy Director Agora Verkehrswende
Ruth Barbosa, Advisor International PtX Hub
Presentation of the new publication: Defossilising Aviation with e-SAF
Ulf Neuling and Leon Berks, Agora Verkehrswende
Policies and Projects for SAF in Brazil
Lais Thomaz, Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, Secretariat of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels
Kenya’s Engagement for Clean Aviation
Hanifa Enow Hassanow, Environment Officer, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA)
Panel Discussion and Q&A


You can register to attend the event by clicking on the ‘Register now’ button at the top and bottom of this page.

Our speakers:

Frank Mischler is Director at the International Power-to-X Hub. He previously supported the EU’s climate diplomacy efforts with industrialised countries. Frank is a former journalist and an experienced moderator and facilitator.

Wiebke Zimmer is Deputy Executive Director at Agora Verkehrswende. Prior to that, she worked for 16 years at the Öko-Institut, where she headed the Sustainable Mobility team as deputy head of the Resources & Mobility division from 2013.

Ruth Barbosa is an Advisor at International PtX Hub, working on Capacity Development and PtX for Aviation. She has worked with GIZ since 2020, including in Brazil on the Project ProQR – Climate Neutral Alternative Fuels.

Ulf Neuling is a senior associate for fuels at Agora Verkehrswende. Before he led the Renewable Fuels Group at the Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics at the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) from 2018 to 2022.

Leon Berks is an analyst for fuels at Agora Verkehrswende. His focus lies primarily on the role played by PtX in the transition to sustainable mobility, particularly in aviation and maritime transport.

Lais Thomaz is an Advisor to the Brazilian National Secretariat of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels at the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME). She was a Counselor at the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) in 2023. She was the Head of UFG International Office at University of Goiás (2022-2024) and a member of the Brazilian Network of Biokerosene and Renewable Hydrocarbons for Aviation (RBQAV).

Hanifa Enow Hassanow is an accomplished environmental professional currently serving as an Environment Officer at the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science and is pursuing a Master’s in Climate Change & Sustainability. Hanifa is a NEMA registered EIA/EA Associate Expert and a member of the Environment Institute of Kenya. Her role at KCAA involves ensuring environmental compliance and promoting sustainability within the aviation sector, showcasing her dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Recording and presentations:

We will record the event and publish the recording here on this website. We will make the presentations available in the download area.

We look forward to your participation and an interesting discussion!

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