The International PtX Hub successfully conducted seven comprehensive train-of-trainer events so far. Through this, we reached more than 110 reputable professors and experts in the field of renewable energy, hydrogen, but also physics, chemistry and finance from all over the world.
They stay connected in the PtX.Community from which they effectively develop and strengthen the training by improving and adapting the training materials and learning from each other. The group is united by the common goal to spread their knowledge on the opportunities of renewable PtX to contribute to sustainable development.
In each Train-of-Trainers programme, the participants work together intensively over several days, usually between five up to ten days. Over the course of the programme, the participants pass through different phases, their length and intensity depending on prior knowledge and experiences of the participants.
Phase 1
Renewable PtX.Basic Training: In the first phase of the programme, participants study the content of the Basic Training as the prerequisite to become a Renewable PtX trainer.Phase 2
Philosophy and holistic perspective: In this phase, the participants grasp the overall concept of renewable PtX and its underlying philosophy: emphasising the importance of a holistic approach to sustainability in the energy systems of the future; incorporating an increasing share of renewable PtX into these energy systems; and supporting specific countries to create their own paths to defossilisation with PtX.Phase 3
Field trips: Participants go on field trips to study PtX technology in live application, e.g. visiting innovative companies, production sites and hydrogen labs.Phase 4
Additional insights: External experts give deeper insights into specific topics and deepen the knowledge on important aspects on renewable PtX.Phase 5
Didactical and methodological approach: The programme highlights and deepens didactical approaches to adult learning on PtX topics as well as guidance on interacting in an intercultural context.Phase 6
Practical application: This phase is the heart of the programme. Participants exercise selected modules with their peers, and receive detailed feedback on their technical, didactical, and methodical performances.Phase 7
Networking: To promote the future cooperation and South-South collaborations, the participants connect and network during lunch and dinner. Exchange opportunities among the group members build the foundation of ongoing and strong cooperation with each other.
Selected previous trainings
Berlin 2022
Participants from Africa and Latin America

Bonn 2022
Participants from Europe

Mainz/Berlin 2023
Participants from Africa, Asia and Latin America

Amman 2023
Jointly with the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)

Bonn/Berlin 2023
Participants from Africa and Latin America

New Delhi/Ahmedabad 2024
Participants from India

Interested? Contact:

Thomas Elmar Schuppe
My main projects are the development of Renewable PtX trainings and to organise comprehensive Train-of-Trainer courses. I am convinced that Renewable PtX ought to be the missing building block to effectively decarbonise and defossilise respectively, entire economies at scale.
I focus on finding the appropriate formats and topics to improve our adult learning formats on Renewable PtX continuously and scaling up the number of our international multiplicators in our partner countries.
Aquiring specific knowledge is key for a broad and global transition in the partner countries of the international coorperation. The PtX.Academy provides the suitable and up-to-date formats for effective Human-Capacity-Development with our partners.