Add-on Module


Training goal / learning outcome

The shipping industry is aiming at net zero by 2050. Participants of this training will understand the current debates around sustainable shipping fuel technologies as well as challenges and opportunities of international policies for the domestic industry.

Target audience

  • Decision-makers in energy, environmental, economic, and development ministries
  • Experts of public & private partner research institutes, energy federations and Renewable energy agencies
  • Experts of regulatory authorities and other relevant administrations (e.g. port authorities)
  • Journalists and actors of civil society concerned with climate, energy, transport topics
  • Relevant industry actors
  • Other: e.g. financing institutions


Online, onsite, or hybrid

Modules / content

  • Shipping and climate change
  • Technologies and fuels
  • Green Shipping Corridors


4 – 6 hours



The training was developed with Agora Verkehrswende.

Interested? Contact:

Thomas Elmar Schuppe

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Thomas Elmar Schuppe

based inGermany, Bonn


I focus on finding the appropriate formats and topics to improve our adult learning formats on Renewable PtX continuously and scaling up the number of our international multiplicators in our partner countries.


Aquiring specific knowledge is key for a broad and global transition in the partner countries of the international coorperation. The PtX.Academy provides the suitable and up-to-date formats for effective Human-Capacity-Development with our partners.