In Tunisia, we understand capacity building as a crucial tool for the success of the green hydrogen sector.

The vision: real answers to real needs

In collaboration with our partner, the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, a well-structured vision of capacity building was established at an early stage of our project: H2Vert.TUN (Green Hydrogen for Sustainable Growth and a Decarbonized Economy in Tunisia) that consisted of:

– Consolidating the Tunisian green hydrogen value chain actors technical background in the PtX thematic ;

– Enriching the gained theoretical knowledge with field visits and study trips ;

– Scheduling the trainings and study trips in a structured and timely manner in accordance with the project planned activities.

From October 2022 to December 2023:

  • 12 training sessions on green hydrogen and PtX products were delivered to public and private actors, civil society and researchers;
  • Around 150 participants completed the sessions;
  • In total, more than 120 hours of PtX trainings were delivered;
  • A regional outreach of one session in the south of Tunis and two sessions involving civil society actors from all over Tunisia

A valuable partnership with the International PtX-Hub

The International PtX Hub is our long-term partner for this capacity building. In fact, the PtX Hub provided the first training “Introduction to Renewable PtX” to the Tunisian green hydrogen steering committee in October 2022. Later, in January 2023, we selected two of the most-renowned professors in Tunisia in the field of green hydrogen to take part in the ToT training program organized by the Hub in Frankfurt and Berlin.

Currently, both professors are providing training sessions to initiate involved actors in the green hydrogen value chain to the topic of Power-to-X. Up until now, six sessions have been completed: two with Tunisian civil society organizations, two with local Tunisian private actors and two with several public actors including The Tunisian Chemical Group (GCT), the public water distribution company SONEDE , the water treatment company ONAS and the Institute for Standards, Norms and Intellectual Property (INNORPI).

Supporting the development of an informed civil society

We consider civil society as an important player in the development of green hydrogen in Tunisia. In fact, we share the same objectives with many of its actors: just transition, decarbonisation and sustainable growth. They are also watchdogs for fair trade, environmental protection, social development, and good governance. During a dialogue organized on October the 4th, 2023, where our  partner, the Tunisian Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, presented the highlights of Tunisia’s green hydrogen strategy, some of the civil society participants who had completed our trainings, actively contributed to this dialogue with well-elaborated suggestions.

The local private actors: the backbone of green hydrogen investment

Finally, the local private actors in Tunisia have a great advantage: a highly qualified Tunisian workforce with a  broad knowledge of the local administrative and legal procedures. Our aim for these actors is to let them be fully prepared to invest directly or in partnership with foreign investors in green hydrogen. We also want them to communicate to their employees and their environment the importance of acquiring knowledge in the field of green hydrogen.

“Capacity building is key in this crucial phase of ramping up the green hydrogen industry worldwide, the program of this training is well suited to provide decision makers and project developers with the appropriate knowledge, methods, and tools to master the challenges ahead. Well done GIZ and more of such programs.” Chokri Aslouj – Senior energy expert and GH2 project developer

“This training allowed me to fully understand the topic covered and to have more information. Excellent work and congratulations to the entire GIZ team.” Walid Loukil – Directeur Général Adjoint – Groupe LOUKIL

“The themes covered during the training are very useful for the thrive of green hydrogen in Tunisia. It is strongly recommended to continue this training around other subjects. Many thanks to the organizers and speakers.” Mohamed Ferid Herelli – Senior Expert – Development consultant Tunisia

Our 2024 vision for capacity building

The twelve training courses we have held have given us a clear picture on what the public, private and civil society stakeholders expect from green hydrogen trainings. From the feedback collection and direct interaction, we will tailor our 2024 planned trainings based on the remarks we have collected. Our aim is to deliver the highest quality trainings to our partners, and we are grateful for the International PtX Hub for being a major contributor to this effort.

Sami Ben Rejeb

Energy Technical Specialist – H2Vert.TUN

GIZ – Tunisia

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