PtX Hub in Namibia

Moving quickly and ambitiously to become a global player in PtX

The Namibian government shows high interest to become a key player in the emerging global PtX markets. At the same time, its focus on a sustainable approach and on promoting regional value creation stands out. In 2021, the country established a National Green Hydrogen Council and updated its Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement (NDCs) to include the aim to reduce emissions by 91% by 2030.

Additionally, in 2021, the Namibian government signed a joint communication of intent with the German government, unlocking about 41 million U.S. dollars, with 30.5 million U.S. dollars earmarked to build green hydrogen pilot projects in Namibia in return for a future cheap supply of the fuel. All four pilot projects will be located in the country’s coastal town of Walvis Bay. They consist of an agriculture project, a hydrogen refueling station decarbonising various port facilities, and a hydrogen-powered train service.

The Namibian private sector is also moving ahead quickly. In 2021, the Green Hydrogen Association was founded. The Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Port of Rotterdam and prepares to become the export center for green hydrogen for Europe and the rest of the world.

Moving towards less dependency on energy imports with PtX

Namibia currently imports about half of its electricity demand from South Africa. Mostly it is coal-fired power plants generating this electricity. However, in Namibia, about 90 % of the electricity produced already comes from renewables, particularly from hydro power. To supply additional renewables capacity, expanding renewables capacity with additional 688 MW is planned.

Namibia explores export strategies to strengthen local development

Moving from production to application, multiple options are currently explored. PtX fuels might be utilised in ships, aircrafts, and trains. As the fourth largest minerals exporter in Africa, the Namibian mining sector might also benefit from the transition to PtX fuels, decreasing the emissions of the energy-intensive mining vehicles. Moreover, green ammonia and using it to produce fertiliser present opportunities to transform the Namibian industries with PtX – promoting sustainable economic development. For all of these locally produced PtX products, export strategies are being explored.

The PtX Hub’s work in Namibia at a glance

  1. Building capacities on PtX
    • Conducting the PtX.Training targeted towards political decision-makers
    • Organising the Train-the-trainer programme with Namibian energy professionals to become PtX experts
  2. Supporting the national dialogue on PtX
    • Setting up a taskforce to coordinate between ministries and stakeholders
    • Conducting studies and organising events to inform the ongoing dialogues
  3. Advising political partners on sustainability
  4. Analysing Namibia’s potential for PtX in-depth
    • Conducting scoping studies on-site to identify PtX opportunities and pathways specific to Namibia
