We are active all over the world.

We leverage the opportunities with Power-to-X and green hydrogen for sustainable economic development and climate protection. 

Our approach is to find bottom-up solutions for local needs and demands, so that we can start the transformation now, everywhere, in parallel, and fast.

Becoming a regional and international leader for the export of cleaner energy

Published its National Hydrogen Development Strategy in March 2023 

PtX.Basic Training for government and state-owned enterprises
Supporting the Algerian government in developing a regulatory framework for PtX
Train-of-Trainers to qualify Algerian energy experts as PtX multipliers
Sustainable economic growth with PtX
12 Insights on Hydrogen - Argentina edition" and “Argentina as a Green Ammonia Hub
>100 public officials trained in 4 PtX.Basic Trainings
Energy transition scenarios up to 2050
Creating a guide for PtX project developers
Study on port infrastructure
Interactive map of carbon sources in Argentina
Early stage agenda setting for green industries with PtX

Developed the H2V Action Plan for 2030

Workshop on the emerging regulatory framework for green hydrogen certification with the Chilean public and private sector
Train-of-Trainers with Chilean energy professionals
Study of potentials of local production chains and value creation in the Magallanes region
Promoting the creation of local industry through developing the green ammonia economy, seeking to become a leader in this sector in Latin America

Active private sector setting up first green hydrogen projects and green ammonia plants until 2026

Recommendations for incorporating PtX into the Colombian legal framework
PtX.Basic Training for decision-makers from the public, private and academic sphere
Competitiveness analysis for producing green ammonia under current market projections
Analysing options for integrating PtX into the Colombian Hydrogen Roadmap
Becoming a green hydrogen hub and expanding power generation with renewable energy

Launched the Green Hydrogen Mission in January 2023

Supporting the Green Hydrogen Task Force of the German and Indian government
Train-the-Trainers with Indian energy professionals
Studies on seawater desalination and green hydrogen standards in India
Leveraging renewable energy potentials for job creation and economic growth
Partnering with Jordanian universities to train technicians and engineers on PtX
Dialogue on certification with public, private and academic partners
Delegation trip to green hydrogen facilities and political and industrial partners in Germany
Developing into an industrialised, middle-income country and enhancing food security with green ammonia

Baseline study on the PtX and green hydrogen potentials by the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum

Consultations on Power-to-Liquid deployment and Public-Private-Partnerships in finance and certification
Supporting the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum in developing human capacities, policies and regulations incl. standards and certification for PtX
Developing unique business cases for PtX
Developing into a global player along the entire PtX value chain

Published a Hydrogen Roadmap and is updating it with the “Offre Maroc”

PtX.Basic Training for the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development
Securing funding for a Power-to-Liquid pilot plant for training and R&D
Analysing potential Moroccan contributions to PtX value chains
Fostering industrialisation and broadening local value creation through new PtX value chains
PtX.Basic Training for Namibian decision-makers
Assessing the skills needed for PtX development
Analysing the potential of bush biomass as a carbon source for Power-to-Liquid production
Enhancing organisational effectiveness for the Ministry of Mines and Energy in the green hydrogen transformation
PtX for a Just Energy Transition and job creation
Stakeholder Meeting on Green Hydrogen and South Africa’s Maritime Economy
Business Opportunity Analyzer tool
Assessing carbon sources for PtX products in South Africa
Dialogues and trainings on green shipping
Mobilising Uruguayan innovation for economic growth with PtX
Peer-to-peer exchange between Chilean and Uruguayan professionals
Train-of-Trainers for Uruguayan energy experts
Event on the update of the Uruguayan green hydrogen strategy with the Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mines
Enhancing regional cooperation by leveraging PtX potentials
Train-of-Trainers with Vietnamese energy professionals
Supporting the development of a long-term decarbonisation strategy of the oil and gas sector
Analysing the technical requirements for PtX technologies to support the development of technical standards and regulation for PtX projects
Promoting a carbon neutral aviation sector

Brazilian government financed the construction of a laboratory plant for the study and production of SAF

Supporting the regulatory agency responsible for fuels in Brazil to publish a resolution that defines the concept of SAF and establishes the permitted production routes
Producing teaching material on SAF in Brazil and training professors and experts
Supporting the establishment of an advisory committee with the participation of ministries, regulatory agencies, universities and companies for discussions on SAF in Brazil

Legal disclaimer: This geographical map is for informational purposes only and does not constitute recognition of international boundaries or regions; GIZ makes no claims concerning the validity, accuracy or completeness of the maps nor assumes any liability resulting from the use of the information therein.


German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK)
Mele, Ineratec, SAP, Siemens, RWE, Soventix , Pabettin, Solar Investments, Renewables Academy, Hy2gen, Mexión, Enapter, Chiang Mai University, Ambicoop, Coopersan, RP Global, K-UTEC
01/2022 – 12/2026
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Secretariat of Energy as part of the Ministry of Economy represented through the Subsecretary of Energy Planning
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Kenyan Ministry of Energy and Petroleum
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Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development (MTEDD)
Until 06/2025
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Department of Trade, Industry and Competition of the Republic of South Africa (DTIC)
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Ministry of Energy and Mines
01/2022 – 03/2024
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Chilean Ministry for Energy (MEN)
01/2022 – 03/2024
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Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME)
01/2022 – 03/2024
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Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
01/2022 – 03/2024
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Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR)
01/2022 – 03/2024
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Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy
01/2022 – 03/2024
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Uruguayan Ministry for Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM)
01/2022 – 03/2024
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Vietnamese Ministry of Industries and Trade (EREA)
01/2022 – 03/2024
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Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações, MCTI)
German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) & National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (Agência do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, ANP)
08/2017 - 02/2023
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