On May 18, 2022, the PtX Hub launched its PtX.Sustainability Dimensions and Concerns Scoping Paper at the Green Hydrogen Global Assembly and Exhibition in Barcelona.  

Commissioned by the German Federal Government, a core component of the PtX Hub’s mission is to ensure that the process of transformative innovation with PtX contributes to the sustainable development of countries and communities, including in particular developing and emerging economies. 

The scoping paper aims to  

  • contribute to the international debate on regulatory frameworks for hydrogen and its derivatives (e.g. ammonia, e-jetfuel, etc.); 
  • identify the key sustainability dimensions and concerns; 
  • outline a comprehensive and coherent framework for sustainability assessments; 
  • and provide a solid basis for the implementation of sustainability standards and certification schemes. 

Learn more and download the paper here: https://ptx-hub.org/ptx-sustainability/ 

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